Virginia Beach Public Library Customer Borrowing Requests:

Your library account needs to be current, free of any fines, and not blocked. Teen and youth library accounts are not eligible for the Interlibrary loan service. Please contact a Virginia Beach Public Library near you to initiate an Interlibrary Loan request. Borrowers must agree to pay shipping costs and any additional fees charged by lending libraries.

For non-VBPL users interested in borrowing from our collection:

Please contact your local library to initiate an Interlibrary Loan transaction. An interlibrary loan is a library-to-library transaction. VBPL is a free lender.​

Virginia Beach Public Library Collection Requests from Other Libraries:

Virginia Beach Public Library is a free lender. We loan books (no audio-visual materials) for 60 days. There is no charge for copies when following copyright guidelines, from serials or reference/genealogical materials. ​

You may contact us through OCLC (our symbol: VPL) or email​.