Technology Classes
VBPL technology classes empower individuals with cutting-edge skills in a diverse range of subjects, from coding and digital literacy to multimedia production, fostering a tech-savvy community for all.
VBPL technology classes empower individuals with cutting-edge skills in a diverse range of subjects, from coding and digital literacy to multimedia production, fostering a tech-savvy community for all.
Learn the basics of using a computer through hands-on activities.
Handouts: Computers for Beginners Student Outline
Learn how to use a web browser to access the web and practice useful strategies for finding and evaluating information on the internet. Prerequisites: Ability to use a computer mouse/keyboard or have taken Computers for Beginners.
Handouts: Internet for Beginners Student Outline | Internet for Beginners Worksheet
Please note:
Explore cloud-based storage with Google Drive. Learn how to create, upload, organize, and share documents from any internet-capable device. Prerequisites: Ability to use mouse, keyboard, and Internet or have Taken Internet for Beginners.
Handouts: Getting Started with Google Drive Student Outline | Test File 1 | Test File 2 | Test File 3
Get to know Google Docs, a cloud-based document creator that brings word processing into your browser. Learn how to create, edit, upload, and share documents from any internet-capable device. Prerequisites: Ability to create and upload simple documents or have taken Getting Started with Google Drive.
Handouts: Creating Documents with Google Docs Student Outline | Blank Document 1 | Test Recipe | Strawberries | Final Recipe
Manage your data online with Google Sheets. Learn how to add, edit, and share spreadsheets and more from any internet-capable device. Prerequisites: Ability to access and use Google Drive or have taken Getting Started with Google Drive.
Handouts: Managing Data with Google Sheets Student Outline | Spreadsheet 1
Create polished presentations online with Google Slides. Learn how to add, edit, and share slideshows from any internet-capable device. Prerequisites: Ability to access and use Google Drive or have taken Getting Started with Google Drive.
Handouts: Creating Slideshows with Google Slides Student Outline | Blank Presentation 1 | Decorated Cookies | Mixing | Oven | Unbaked Cookies
Learn to enter data and use basic formulas to create simple spreadsheets. Prerequisites: Ability to use Microsoft Word or have taken Microsoft Word for Beginners.
Handouts: Microsoft Excel for Beginners Student Outline | Excel 2013 Quick Reference Card | Excel 2016 Quick Reference Card
Learn more about working with data using formatting, graphics and charts, and sorting/filtering. Prerequisites: Ability to create simple spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel or have taken Microsoft Excel for Beginners.
Handouts: Microsoft Excel Intermediate Student Outline | Excel Intermediate Practice Workbook | Excel 2013 Quick Reference Card | Excel 2016 Quick Reference Card
Learn how to create and edit simple presentations. Prerequisites: Ability to use Microsoft Word or have taken Microsoft Word for Beginners.
Handouts: PowerPoint for Beginners Student Outline | PowerPoint 2013 Quick Reference Card | PowerPoint 2016 Quick Reference Card
Learn how to add transitions, animations, and different slideshow options to your presentations. Prerequisites: Ability to create simple presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint or have taken Microsoft PowerPoint for Beginners.
Handouts: Microsoft PowerPoint Intermediate Student Outline | PowerPoint 2013 Quick Reference Card | PowerPoint 2016 Quick Reference Card
Learn how to complete common basic tasks, including creating and formatting simple documents. Prerequisites: Ability to use a computer mouse/keyboard or have taken Computers for Beginners.
Handouts: Word for Beginners Student Outline Flyer Project | Flyer Project Text | Word for Beginners Student Outline Holiday Letter Project | Holiday Annual Letter Text | Word 2013 Quick Reference Card | Word Quick Reference
Learn more about inserting and formatting different elements into a basic document. Prerequisites: Ability to create simple documents using Microsoft Word or have taken Microsoft Word for Beginners.
Handouts: Word Intermediate Student Outline | Word Intermediate Mock Business Plan | Word 2013 Quick Reference Card | Word 2016 Quick Reference Card