Finding Your Passion in the Place You Love
One library lover becomes a dedicated VBPL volunteer.
One library lover becomes a dedicated VBPL volunteer.
I've always been fascinated by libraries. As an avid reader, the book-lined walls and shelves and shelves of books mesmerize me. Reading was one of my favorite activities as a child. It used to make my mother so upset when she'd ask me to do chores around the house and I wouldn't respond - I was too busy reading my Nancy Drew mysteries!
Libraries were an important part of my education. From grade school through nursing school, I spent many hours in libraries doing research and studying. We didn't have Google, so hanging out at the library was our only choice!
Now that I'm retired, I have the privilege of volunteering at the Bayside Area and Special Services Library. One of my passions is helping and supporting people with disabilities, so it was a perfect fit! I love that there is a special services library in our city. The staff at Bayside are eager to make accommodations as needed and several of my friends with disabilities also volunteer there.
Just this fall, I was able to help with the Seeing Beyond program when the Teeny Tiny Farm came for a visit with their animals. Since the attendees of this program are blind or visually impaired, I was able to help them walk outside and assist them with petting the different animals. I found it so inspiring to watch my new friends see these animals through touch. I really feel like I have a part in making someone's day better and can help them have a new experience.
If you love books, libraries, and the programs the library does, then consider volunteering. You will meet wonderful people and learn so much!